Thursday, October 23, 2008

Home Hydroponic Gardening – Pests and Pathogens

The home hydroponics gardener may not spend much time thinking about pests and diseases. After all, most of these come from soil. Correct? Eliminate the soil and you rid yourself of having to deal with such nuisances. That seems to be the thinking of those new to hydroponic gardening. The truth of the matter is that pests and diseases will always be something gardeners have to deal with, even in the home hydroponics garden.

The indoor home hydroponic garden often finds itself a victim of such pests as the spider mite or white fly, among others. In addition, diseases in the form of fungi or mold can be a problem. In order to have healthy plants, the home hydroponic gardener has a few choices available to control these infestations. The most common treatments are using a commercial pesticide, biological control (which involves introducing predator insects and such to your growing area) or use of a specially formulated pest control product found at the local hydroponic shop.

Most hydroponic gardeners do not want to add chemicals to their growing environment. These chemicals can harm both human and plant. In addition, plant pests have often developed immunities to these products. You end up harming the plants and the pests continue multiplying. Specially formulated hydroponic products are safer, but there is still the risk of damage to plants if used incorrectly or too often. Adding live predators to the growing area is often not practical. You don’t want to bring more insects into play, especially in home hydroponic gardens growing within the living environment. There is a solution that can be better than all these—prevention.

Just as the preferred method of disease control in humans is to prevent the disease in the first place, this is also practical for plants. Take, for example, Barricade. This product works from inside your plants, making them stronger and more resistant to bugs, fungi, molds, and even stress. By not allowing the pests and pathogens to get a foothold in your home hydroponic garden, you have greater control.

Another advantage of using preventive products is that a stronger plant will grow better and produce more. You are not adding harmful chemicals to either your home hydroponic garden or the environment in general. Your plants are healthier; pests and disease are stopped in their tracks and your time and investment are protected. Just as with humans, it is often a lot less expensive to prevent a problem than it is to cure one.

Yet one more product is very useful in preventing pests and pathogens from attaching your plants. Most often used as a foliar spray, Advanced Nutrients Scorpion Juice imparts a certain kind of systemic immunity to your hydroponics garden. It's very much like a shot in the arm, or should I say branch?

Home hydroponic gardening is increasing in popularity, especially with the rising costs of gas and food. Making sure your plants are as healthy as possible will help save you money in the long run. For more information on creating the best possible home hydroponic garden you can, visit the Advanced Nutrients website and take a look around

1 comment:

cultiv8 said...

So that's why I never have any problems with pests and pathogens, huh?

I didn't realize using Scorpion Juice and Barricade made such a difference!