Monday, November 17, 2008

Sanitary Procedures in Your Home Hydroponic Garden

One of the most important things you can do to help maintain a healthy environment for your home hydroponic garden is to keep the growing area clean. There are some basic sanitary guidelines you can follow to help maintain a clean and healthy growing area.

The first thing to do in order to maintain a sanitary is to completely clean your entire system between crops. Break down your home hydroponic system and thoroughly clean and rinse all components. You can use a product made specifically for cleaning hydroponic systems, a bleach

Aphids are very common
pests in grow rooms

solution (which will need to be thoroughly rinsed) or a solution of baking soda and vinegar.

Don’t forget to wipe down the walls and tables, as well. Advanced Nutrients makes a product called Wipe Out, which is excellent in disinfecting your grow room. It could save you a lot of headaches and prevent sick crops in the future.

On a daily basis, you should clean any utensils you use with alcohol, or a vinegar and baking soda solution, in order to keep them as germ-free as possible. Keep floors free of debris, including clippings from plants. Plant clippings left along the edges of the walls or in cracks will attract bacteria.

Take measures that soil does not find its way into your growing area. Dirt can be brought in on shoes, so it is always a good idea to have foot coverings that are worn only while you are in your growing area. These can be left just inside the entrance of the area. As with anything, the most basic sanitary procedure is to make sure your hands are thoroughly washed before touching anything in your growing area.

Don’t just restrict washing to your hands. Your hair should also be shampooed regularly, since pathogens can easily attach themselves to human hair, especially longer hairstyles. You clothing should also be laundered, especially after you visit other growers. It is a proven fact that 20% of nurses carry germs from one patient to another on their uniforms. If you hang out in other grow rooms or greenhouses, make sure you change your clothes before going back into your own grow space.

Pests and pathogens go together. Many insects vector viral and bacterial diseases. So it’s in your best interest to keep unwanted insects out of your grow space. Use fine mesh screens on air vents and make sure that there are no weeds or bushes near the door to your greenhouse or grow room. These can harbor white flies which will swarm through any opening and are very hard to get rid of. The only insects in your grow room should be beneficial predators that eat and get rid of pests, such as spider mites and aphids.

Home hydroponic gardening is increasing in popularity, especially with the rising costs of gas and food. Making sure your plants are as healthy as possible will help save you money in the long run. For more information on creating the best possible home hydroponic garden you can, visit and take a look around.

1 comment:

cultiv8 said...

I can attest to that. You might feel a little silly being that paranoid but it can really pay off. The only thing is that you never realize it paid off unless you lose a crop to a disease you brought in.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of harvest!